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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Simple as 1.2.3

Ok, so first post seems logical that I would establish why I would set up a blog and no its not just because I was forced to...I've genuinely been thinking about this for a while but held back because of the certain narcissistic quality that the blogs have, but after exploring a couple and discovering how others can be inspirational and it's more about a sharing of ideas and this should be embraced not looked down upon. Yeah so someone OD on self-takes so what? they look cool, I shouldn't judge...maybe im just jealous. 

So on the note of self-takes, my new favorite blog is Olivia Lopez - Lust for Life . She had me at hello with that gorgeous hat and beaded head dress (pictured below). Her style is something that I admire; all her looks are very glamourous yet wearable. Kudos must also go to the way that she has laid out her blog, its pretty easy to follow, she also updates it pretty frequently. 

Second new favorite blog is Oracle Fox, it has a serious following and is really well supported by sponsors. The thing that drew me in was the linear presentation, all the photo edges line up with one another, its a small detail but actually makes a huge difference as to how you view it because it gives the feeling of viewing one big camera role and makes disconnected images and posts seem more cohesive together. Also had a really nicely tightly edited coverage of Milan Fashion Week Streetstyle. A couple of my favorites are pictured below...

Third one that I pressed follow on almost immediately was Ugly Cute . Admittedly it's layout lacks lustre (note not all the photos edges are aligned) and its really annoying how all the links etc. are underneath the posts so you could literally scroll for hours (she should have put them to the side), I couldn't escape the content that she uploaded; it had such an intimate quality to it that I just wanted her to post more...her first photo of her last post was simply beautiful, you cant help but look at it and get a bittersweet twang of nostalgia. 

So those were the top three finalists, however I thought special mention should go to (IN)DECOROUS TASTE, they have a dark haunting blog of both interiors and fashion which is a nice combination, although sometimes dark background made it hard to distinguish images and became a little too heavy after looking at it for too long. Some of the overly costumed photo shoots weren't to my taste but can still appreciate the time and effort that would have gone into them. However I was obsessed with this real hair gown that was hand made as pictured below 

And that is the end of my first post