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Monday, May 07, 2012



1)   If the scan came up a bit light adjust the brightness and contrast so that you will be able to select the white out of the images
2)   Double click and unlock the layer – call it tech sketch/dds
3)   The aim of the first part is to get an outline that is completely black, solid outline, completely black.
4)   Delete the parts of the images you don’t need
5)   Just select the white – do this with magic wand and unclick contiguous (contiguous off)
6)   Now if you click on the image there should just be an outline (delete black)
7)   Make sure there are no gaps in the drawing so that you can select things. NO GAPS
8)   If you mess up fix it using the paint brush tool
9)   Now you need to make the color of the outline a solid black: select the entire thing (contiguous off), select inverse and then fill the outline all black – solid black.
10)                  Now you have the outline – leave it, this SHOULD NEVER BE TOUCHED AGAIN i.e. don’t fill it with pattern

1)   create new layer and place underneath  TECH SKETCH
2)   put contiguous on and select on the TECH SKETCH LAYER select the inverse so that just the shape of the skirt
3)   then go back to the pink skirt layer and fill the selection with color

1)   you need to build the pattern so that it is the correct size – open the pattern file
2)   duplicate layer into the skirt file
3)   resize in increments to avoid pixilation
4)   shrink it down by 25% until it fits in the canvas (so enter in 75% to the top left hand box)
5)   duplicate and merge and make the pattern smaller
6)   put the layer underneath the outline – don’t EVER DELETE THIS u can just keep reusing this layer to render
7)   make a copy and turn off the main print layer
8)   break it up into stages, you want to make it look as though it curves around
9)   create a selection around the first tier, then make a new edit – edit à transform à warp  and move the fabric so that it looks like it is gathered into the top
10)         go back to the magic wand making sure that contiguous is on. To do this you need to go back to the outline layer, if you hold down shift you can make multiple selections. Go back to print copy, select inverse and press delete to get rid of all the other muck
11)         repeat for each selection of the garment
12)          repeat this
13)         finally select the whole thing  (flat image) and create an outline to fill in any gaps
14)         turn on the top layer (outline)

1)   shadow gets a separate layer always (so you can repeat and adjust the opacity)
2)   make it about 35%
3)   then go to brush tool and select black, make sure that it is very soft
4) add in shadow where appropriate – choosing a light source